Saphir HP Dubbin

$ 12.95 CAD
By Saphir
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The Saphir High-Performance Dubbin is a polishing and conditioning product, designed for both smooth and oiled leathers. Formulated from mink and salmon oils, Saphir HP Dubbin can penetrate thick leathers and provide superior conditioning. It is particularly effective on heavily used leathers and for reviving old and worn-out items. 

  • Excellent for conditioning and waterproofing smooth and oiled leathers
  • Great for protecting the welt on Goodyear welted footwear
  • Made in France
  • 100 ML Size

How to use Saphir HP Dubbin:

Apply a small amount of Saphir HP Dubbin to your leather items using a cotton cloth or welt brush. Rub vigorously to warm the product to allow it to absorb into the leather. Allow the leather to dry for 30 minutes and then remove any excess Dubbin with a dry cloth or brush.